First select an encryption algorithm you would like to use.
- Caesar Chiper: Specify a code shift whose value is a non-zero integer. Uses Listra's Encryption Method and then shifts text code by specified value.
- RSA: Specify an encryption key. It must be a positive integer that is relatively prime to 220 (greatest common divisor of them equals to 1); please keep it secure. Uses Listra's Encryption Method and then encodes the text. Very slow (depends on value of encryption key) but very difficult to hack.
- Use Listra's Encryption Method: Check to use a special encryption method. It's difficult to hack when combined with one of algorithms above.
(For encrypting a text)
- Insert a plain text in Unencrypted Text area.
- Click "Encrypt" button.
- An encrypted text will appear in Encrypted Text area.
(For decrypting a text)
- Insert an encrypted text (that was made with this tool with the same configuration) in Encrypted Text area.
- Click "Decrypt" button.
- A decrypted plain text will appear in Unencrypted Text area.
Listra's Encryption Tool 1.1 (Beta) [ Versions changelog ]
NB: The program might not work properly for all cases (especially for RSA algorithm and/or Listra's Encryption Method) that it may mutate the text a little when decrypting the encrypted one.