Genre: Action Minigame
Engine: Game Maker
Selagi menekuni algoritma-algoritma yang dapat dimanfaatkan dalam berbagai game, seperti algortima Dijkstra, A*, dll, ane coba bikin minigame kejar2an, namanya: AaaaA* Chasing Minigame.
OverviewDalam minigame ini, karakter (Xothex) akan terus-terusan dikejar oleh seorang cewek (entahlah siapa
). Ia harus bertahan dan mengumpulkan item, jangan sampai tertangkap si cewek. Pergerakan si cewek semakin cepat. Setelah semua item terkumpul, sebuah portal (lingkaran hijau) terbuka, sehingga Xothex dapat keluar lewat itu.
ControlsOnly arrow keys to move the character.
FeatureBerdasarkan konfigurasi pada options, gameplay menggunakan algoritma Dijkstra, Best-first Search atau algoritma A*, untuk mencari jalan terpendek dari posisi cewek ke posisi Xothex.
Screenshot- Awas gede!:
Download Link (v1.2) (v1.3)
Versions ChangelogVersion 1.3
- New title appearance and AaaaA* logo
- Added Best-first Search algorithm configuration for chaser's pathfinding (but might still rather unstable)
- Added configuration to use two or three chasers
- Dijkstra's algorithm now becomes faster
- A* algorithm also optimized
- Added terrains (grass, swamp and ice) that slows/fastens the character (Xothex) and chasers that step on them
- Added a powerup that temporarily increases Xothex's speed
Version 1.2
- Fixed bugs for A* algorithm script that sometimes causes lags and fails on pathfinding
- Map now bigger
- Now there are two chasers and speed shift delay of the chasers increased
Version 1.1
- Added A* algorithm beside Dijkstra's algorithm for chaser's pathfinding
- Added configurations for algorithms
- Gameplay is: collect all items to open the portal
Game Maker 8
Tentang algoritma Dijkstra, lihat di: